
Law and More – Artikel dan Berita

Harta dalam (dan selepas) perkahwinan

Harta dalam (dan selepas) perkahwinan

Berkahwin adalah perkara yang anda lakukan apabila anda jatuh cinta antara satu sama lain. Malangnya, ia berlaku cukup kerap bahawa selepas beberapa ketika, orang tidak lagi mahu berkahwin antara satu sama lain. Perceraian biasanya tidak berjalan lancar seperti memasuki perkahwinan. Dalam banyak kes, orang berhujah tentang hampir semua perkara yang terlibat

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Menjadi warganegara Belanda lebih awal melalui prosedur pilihan

Menjadi warganegara Belanda lebih awal melalui prosedur pilihan

Anda tinggal di Belanda dan anda sangat menyukainya. Oleh itu, anda mungkin ingin mengambil kewarganegaraan Belanda. Ia adalah mungkin untuk menjadi Belanda dengan naturalisasi atau dengan pilihan. Anda boleh memohon kewarganegaraan Belanda dengan lebih pantas melalui prosedur pilihan; juga, kos untuk prosedur ini jauh lebih rendah. Pada yang lain

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Mendapat kewarganegaraan Belanda

Mendapat kewarganegaraan Belanda

Adakah anda ingin datang ke Belanda untuk bekerja, belajar atau tinggal bersama keluarga/pasangan anda? Permit kediaman boleh dikeluarkan jika anda mempunyai tujuan tinggal yang sah. Perkhidmatan Imigresen dan Naturalisasi (IND) mengeluarkan permit kediaman untuk kediaman sementara dan tetap bergantung pada situasi anda. Selepas kediaman sah berterusan di

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Nafkah, bila nak hilangkan?

Nafkah, bila nak hilangkan?

Jika perkahwinan akhirnya tidak berjaya, anda dan pasangan anda mungkin memutuskan untuk bercerai. Ini sering menyebabkan kewajipan nafkah untuk anda atau bekas pasangan anda, bergantung pada pendapatan anda. Kewajipan nafkah mungkin terdiri daripada nafkah anak atau nafkah pasangan. Tetapi berapa lama anda perlu membayarnya? Dan

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Imej migran pengetahuan

Penghijrahan pengetahuan

Adakah anda mahu pekerja asing yang berpendidikan tinggi datang ke Belanda untuk bekerja di syarikat anda? Itu mungkin! Dalam blog ini, anda boleh membaca tentang keadaan di mana seorang migran berkemahiran tinggi boleh bekerja di Belanda. Migran pengetahuan dengan akses percuma Perlu diingatkan bahawa migran pengetahuan dari tertentu

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saya nak rampas! Imej

saya nak rampas!

Anda telah membuat penghantaran yang besar kepada salah seorang pelanggan anda, tetapi pembeli tidak membayar jumlah yang perlu dibayar. Apa yang kau boleh buat? Dalam kes ini, anda boleh meminta barangan pembeli dirampas. Walau bagaimanapun, ini tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu. Di samping itu, terdapat pelbagai jenis sawan. Dalam blog ini, anda akan membaca

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Perceraian cepat: bagaimana anda melakukannya?

Perceraian cepat: bagaimana anda melakukannya?

Perceraian hampir selalu merupakan peristiwa yang sukar dari segi emosi. Walau bagaimanapun, bagaimana hasil perceraian boleh membuat semua perbezaan. Sebaik-baiknya, semua orang ingin menyelesaikan perceraian secepat mungkin. Tetapi bagaimana anda melakukannya? Petua 1: Elakkan pertengkaran dengan bekas pasangan anda Petua yang paling penting untuk bercerai dengan cepat

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Tolong, saya ditangkap Image

Tolong, saya ditangkap

Apabila anda dihalang sebagai suspek oleh pegawai penyiasat, dia mempunyai hak untuk memastikan identiti anda supaya dia tahu dengan siapa dia berurusan. Bagaimanapun, penahanan suspek boleh berlaku melalui dua cara iaitu merah atau tidak. Red-handed Adakah anda telah ditemui dalam tindakan melakukan penjenayah

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Apa yang perlu dilakukan sekiranya pensampelan bunyi yang tidak dibenarkan? imej

Apa yang perlu dilakukan sekiranya pensampelan bunyi yang tidak dibenarkan?

Persampelan bunyi atau pensampelan muzik ialah teknik yang digunakan secara meluas pada masa ini di mana serpihan bunyi disalin secara elektronik untuk menggunakannya, selalunya dalam bentuk yang diubah suai, dalam karya baharu (muzik), biasanya dengan bantuan komputer. Walau bagaimanapun, serpihan bunyi mungkin tertakluk kepada pelbagai hak, akibatnya pensampelan tanpa kebenaran mungkin menyalahi undang-undang.

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Bilakah peguam diperlukan?

Bilakah peguam diperlukan?

Anda telah menerima saman dan tidak lama lagi mesti hadir di hadapan hakim yang akan memutuskan kes anda atau anda mungkin mahu memulakan prosedur sendiri. Bilakah pengambilan peguam untuk membantu anda dalam pertikaian undang-undang anda menjadi pilihan dan bilakah pengambilan peguam diwajibkan? Jawapan kepada soalan ini bergantung kepada

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Apa yang seorang peguam lakukan? imej

Apa yang dilakukan oleh peguam?

Kerosakan yang dialami di tangan orang lain, ditangkap oleh polis atau ingin membela hak anda sendiri: pelbagai kes di mana bantuan peguam sememangnya bukan kemewahan yang tidak perlu dan dalam kes sivil malah menjadi kewajipan. Tetapi apa sebenarnya yang dilakukan oleh seorang peguam dan mengapa ia penting

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kontrak sementara

Pampasan peralihan untuk kontrak pekerjaan: Bagaimana ia berfungsi?

Under certain circumstances, an employee whose employment contract ends is entitled to a legally determined compensation. This is also referred to as transition payment, which is intended to facilitate the transition to another job or for possible training. But what are the rules regarding this transition payment: when is the employee entitled to it and

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Fasal tidak bersaing: apa yang perlu anda ketahui?

Fasal tidak bersaing: apa yang perlu anda ketahui?

A non-competition clause, regulated in art. 7:653 of the Dutch Civil Code, is a far-reaching restriction of the employee’s freedom of choice of employment that an employer can include in an employment contract. After all, this allows the employer to prohibit the employee from entering the service of another company, whether or not in the

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Akta Kebankrapan dan prosedurnya

Akta Kebankrapan dan prosedurnya

Earlier we wrote a blog about the circumstances under which a bankruptcy can be filed and how this procedure works. Besides bankruptcy (regulated in Title I), the Bankruptcy Act (in Dutch the Faillissementswet, hereafter referred to as ‘Fw’) has two other procedures. Namely: the moratorium (Title II) and the debt restructuring scheme for natural persons

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Terma dan syarat umum pembelian: B2B

Terma dan syarat umum pembelian: B2B

As an entrepreneur you enter into agreements on a regular basis. Also with other companies. General terms and conditions are often part of the agreement. The general terms and conditions regulate (legal) subjects that are important in every agreement, such as payment terms and liabilities. If, as an entrepreneur, you purchase goods and/or services, you

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Pengiktirafan dan penguatkuasaan penghakiman asing di Belanda

Pengiktirafan dan penguatkuasaan penghakiman asing di Belanda

Can a judgment rendered abroad be recognized and/or enforced in the Netherlands? This is a frequently asked question in legal practice that regularly deals with international parties and disputes. The answer to this question is not unequivocal. The doctrine of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is quite complex due to various laws and regulations.

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Semua mengenai pengaturan hasil

Semua mengenai pengaturan hasil

There are many things to consider when selling a business. One of the most important and most difficult elements is often the selling price. Negotiations can get bogged down here, for example, because the buyer is not prepared to pay enough or is unable to obtain sufficient financing. One of the solutions that can be

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Apakah penggabungan undang-undang?

Apakah penggabungan undang-undang?

That a share merger involves a transfer of shares of the merging companies is clear from the name. The term asset merger is also telling, because certain assets and liabilities of a company are taken over by another company. The term legal merger refers to the only legally regulated form of merger in the Netherlands.

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Perceraian dengan anak-anak: komunikasi adalah imej utama

Perceraian dengan anak-anak: komunikasi adalah kunci

Once the decision to divorce has been made, there is much to be arranged and thus discussed. Divorcing partners usually find themselves in an emotional rollercoaster, making it difficult to come to reasonable agreements. It is even more difficult when there are children involved. Because of the children, you are more or less bound to

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Failkan aduan tentang imej mahkamah

Buat aduan mengenai mahkamah

It is important that you have and maintain confidence in the Judiciary. That is why you can file a complaint if you feel that a court or a member of the court staff has not treated you correctly. You should send a letter to the board of that court. You must do this within one

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Memutuskan kes iklim terhadap Shell

Memutuskan kes iklim terhadap Shell

The ruling of the District Court of The Hague in the case of Milieudefensie against Royal Dutch Shell PLC (hereafter: ‘RDS’) is a milestone in climate litigation. For the Netherlands, this is the next step after the groundbreaking confirmation of the Urgenda ruling by the Supreme Court, where the state was ordered to reduce its

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Perjanjian Penderma: Apa yang anda perlu tahu? imej

Perjanjian Penderma: Apa yang perlu anda ketahui?

There are several aspects to having a child with the help of a sperm donor, such as finding a suitable donor or the insemination process. Another important aspect in this context is the legal relationship between the party who wants to become pregnant via insemination, any partners, a sperm donor and the child. It is

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Pemindahan Pengambilalihan

Pemindahan Pengambilalihan

If you are planning to transfer a company to someone else or to take over someone else’s company, you may wonder whether this takeover also applies to the personnel. Depending on the reason why the company is taken over and how the takeover is carried out, this may or may not be desirable. For example,

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Perjanjian lesen

Perjanjian lesen

Intellectual property rights exist to protect your creations and ideas from unauthorised use by third parties. However, in certain cases, for example if you want to have your creations exploited commercially, you may want others to be able to use it. But how much rights do you want to give others regarding your intellectual property?

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Peranan Lembaga Pengawas dalam masa krisis

Peranan Lembaga Pengawas dalam masa krisis

In addition to our general article on the Supervisory Board (hereinafter ‘SB’), we would also like to focus on the role of the SB in times of crisis. In times of crisis, safeguarding the continuity of the company is more important than ever, so that important considerations must be made. In particular with regard to

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Lembaga Pengawas

Lembaga Pengawas

The Supervisory Board (hereinafter ‘SB’) is a body of the BV and the NV that has a supervisory function on the policy of the management board and the general affairs of the company and its affiliated enterprise (Article 2:140/250 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (‘DCC’)). The purpose of this article is to give

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Seluk-beluk syarikat dua peringkat berkanun

Seluk-beluk syarikat dua peringkat berkanun

The statutory two-tier company is a special form of company that can apply to the NV and BV (as well as the cooperative). It is often thought that this only applies to internationally operating groups with part of their activities in the Netherlands. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case; the structure

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Penjagaan pencegahan: bilakah ia dibenarkan?

Penjagaan pencegahan: bilakah ia dibenarkan?

Did the police detain you for days and do you now wonder whether this is done strictly by the book? For example, because you doubt the legitimacy of their grounds for doing so or because you believe that the duration was too long. It is quite normal that you, or your friends and family, have

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Bekas rakan kongsi yang berhak untuk penyelenggaraan tidak mahu bekerja - imej

Bekas pasangan yang berhak mendapat nafkah tidak mahu bekerja

In the Netherlands, maintenance is a financial contribution to the living expenses of the former partner and any children after a divorce. It is an amount that you receive or have to pay on a monthly basis. If you do not have enough income to support yourself, you are entitled to alimony. If you do

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Apa hak anda sebagai penyewa?

Apa hak anda sebagai penyewa?

Every tenant has the right has two important rights: the right to enjoyment of living and the right to rent protection. Where we discussed the first right of the tenant in connection with the obligations of the landlord, the second right of the tenant came in a separate blog about rent protection. That is why

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Law & More